Collagen is definitely a buzz word among many fitness instructors and health advocates. I am always on the lookout for ways to be more healthy and it is hard to escape advertisements and commercials from all the Vital Proteins products.  Plus Jennifer Anniston as the spokesperson easily sells the product as she is aging very slowly and looks fabulous. I jumped on the bandwagon and ordered the gummies to test out. Here are my thoughts.

Appearance and Taste – At first glance, it didn’t look very appetizing as all the gummies were stuck or grouped together in a large bottle. Could’ve been the heat that made the gummies stick together. I liked that each gummy maintained its shape and wasn’t covered or coated in some sugar alternative. Because of this, I expected the gummy to have a weird taste but it didn’t. It tasted great, with a hint of grape flavoring and not overpowering.

Gummy vs. Pill – This is lazy, but grabbing a gummy takes less effort than vitamins. To stick with a daily routine, I knew I would stick with the gummy version more so than the pill. Vital Proteins does offer a pill form but you have to take more pills to get the same grams of collagen. That was too much for me.

Price – I paid about $13 for a bottle, a one-month supply for 120 gummies. That can get expensive quickly when this is only a vitamin for 2.5 grams of collagen that supports bone, hair and nail growth without the normal ingredients of a regular vitamin. The recommended dose was four gummies a day outside of whatever daily pill or vitamin you’re taking. This ended up being only 28 days for me because about seven gummies were stuck to the bottom of the bottle and I couldn’t get them out. Again, it could’ve been because of the heat and not the quality of the product. (You can see two of them in the photo that wouldn’t move.) You can subscribe to receive a scheduled delivery and get a reduced price, so there is an opportunity to save money with that option.

Calories – 50 calories for the daily dose is too much when you’re only getting 2.5 grams of collagen and 3 grams of protein. Plus it has 9 carbs and 5 grams of sugar. For this alone, I would pick a different product. It didn’t kick me out of ketosis , but 9 carbs is too much to devote each day for four gummies. They are made without gluten, dairy,  and soy.

6/10 Wellness Rating –  I didn’t notice anything different about my appearance or texture of hair, skin and nails so I will move on to explore other products. The 2.5 grams of collagen is probably too low to see a drastic difference.

I will stick with the company as I like that they post the ingredients and have multiple products. Next up is the protein bars that Jennifer Anniston created with the company. 🙂 I am looking forward to trying out the cold brew, her favorite flavor! More to come.

To learn more about the gummies, visit